Killer Ratings
To a fault, I give people the benefit of the doubt. I assume that people know what they're doing. However, some people I've trusted for over 20 years have lost me.
Today, NBC News received a multimedia package from the Virginia Tech mass murderer himself. In the video, the killer states his written manifesto, casting the blame for his actions on everybody but himself.
I totally disagree with the timing and the vision of giving this cold-blooded killer this kind of marquee coverage. It's obscene.
If he had offered millions of dollars to buy ad time in the evening news to state his case against the world, the shooter would have been rejected out of hand. But exchanging 32 lives for a guaranteed ratings spike was something NBC couldn't say no to. How lucky they must feel to have been the recipient of the package so they could slap their logo in the corner when they released the video later to the other networks.
I'm aware that this isn't the first time a TV network has aired the words of a killer, but I hate the fact that this one knew the network would comply with his wishes to have this video make the evening news if he just killed enough people first.
Not only will NBC and the rest benefit tonight, but they've planted the seed for future ratings opportunities by encouraging other narcissists to act out for their closeup.
Hey Scot, I completely agree with you on this. What the media should be focusing on is that Professor that sacrificed his own life for the lives of his students! When he blocked the door of his classroom so that his students had an opportunity to jump out of the window to freedom. I have only heard a little of this on the news and his poor widow! They should be focusing on this hero that saved the lives of his students! Thanks, Bonnie Bulinski
I agree as well. My TV in my bedroom died yesterday after 22 years of service. Good timing, I say.
There was also the professor of bio-mechanical engineering that was focusing on back muscle development to help people with cerebral palsy. He came out of his office to help and was mowed down by the gunman.
Hi Scott, When the news channels started showing these disturbing images, I turned off the tv. I've decided not to watch the news for awhile bc I know air time will be given to the killer. I think it is insensitive and unnecessary to show the "NBC package" that the killer sent at this time. Families need time to heal. What the TV stations are doing will just add on to their grief and force the survivors to relive the pain. My prayers go out to all the people affected by this tragedy. Sincerely, Jen
I was listening to you this morning and wanted to call in and whole-heartly agree with you. My children have been (hopefully) shielded from all of this sickness. I already have an 8 year old who is scared to sleep in her room for fear of someone coming in through her window and taking her, I don't need her to be afraid of being in school. My older child has a very nervous stomach. Trying to keep all the news out of her ears is difficult. She is already experiencing stomach aches. I wish they would not show so many grusome pictures on TV. We all know how absolutely horrible it is. We don't need pictures to help us understand. Hopefully NBC starts to get the idea of how horrible it is to be airing "his message".
Thanx.....trying to stay calm
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